The broadcast of a week ago had a balance that slightly shifted to a more or less classic rock style of heavy metal. Well, forget about the ‘classic’ stuff this time! Upcoming broadcast has only glorious new excellent releases. You want to know what’s hot? You want to know what’s happening in the awesome world of heavy metal, grindcore, doom metal, death metal, thrash metal and what not?
Well, you’ve found us so you might as well tag along with the ride. 🙂
Look at the gallery below to get a visual impression of what’s going on.
The playlist and broadcast can be found here.
The latest playlist-pages have a new feature which enables you to see which song you’re actually listening to. With the links behind the song you can easily Google for more information or see if YouTube has more stuff from that artist.
You can tune in this Monday at 20:00 hrs (18:00 hrs GMT) at
In Steenwijk and surroundings you can find us at cable channel 104.4 and on good ‘ol ether-frequency FM 105.4
Have fun!